
RICK CHASE is a name previously associated with bands such as Mama’s Boys, Graffiti, Double Cross, Alibi and King's Call, touring with many top acts including Marillion, Gary Moore, Nazareth, Magnum, Phil Lynott, Status Quo, Styx, plus many more, Rick is the epitome of a top-class rock singer. Classically trained and highly experienced, he has been compared to many top rock vocalists along the way, including Freddie Mercury and Paul Rogers. (True compliments indeed!).
Styx lead vocalist Tommy Shaw complimented Rick on his “awesome voice”, which is true confirmation of Rick’s live ability.
Rick can be found on several albums as lead vocalist…
GRAFFITI ‘Obsession’, DOUBLE CROSS ‘Time After Time’, ALIBI ’Misdemeanours’ and ‘Voice of reason’, plus German band KINGS CALL with their album ‘Destiny’.
Rick has many years of experience both live and in the studio, performing as a lead vocalist, and had also spent seven years performing and recording as bass player/lead vocalist with ex-Status Quo drummer John Coghlan in JOHN COGHLAN'S QUO.
The band completed their 'Farewell Tour' with John playing his final gig with JCQ on the 24th September at Butlins in Minehead where poignantly Status Quo began their epic journey. In answer to overwhelming support, former members of John Coghlan’s Quo Mick Hughes, Rick Chase, Pete Mace and Russ Chadd have reformed under the name of Quo Connection in order to begin the next chapter. Playing many of Quo’s hits plus some incredible album tracks, Quo Connection are eager to bring their high-octane show to a town near you! Keep an eye on the website!

Apologies for the low quality video, phone footage is never brilliant, but it gives you some idea of the solo act.
"Terrific voice" - Kerrang Magazine
"Awesome voice" - Tommy Shaw (Styx)
"Excellent singer" - Herman Rarebell (Scorpions)